Our Partners

There are Nine partners in the firm and a brief note on the partners furnished below:

Is the senior most partner of the firm. He passed his C.A. Final at a very young age of 19 and became a member of the Institute in 1951. He was the Vice-Chairman of the Southern India Regional Council of the Institute in 1961-62 and was a member of the Central Council for three consecutive terms between 1985 and 1995 and was the President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) during 1992-93. In the course of his tenure as a Central Council Member, he was the Chairman for various standing and non-standing committees of the Institute and also member of the International Auditing Standards Board. He has chaired various seminars and conferences both at National level and International Level. He was a member of the Securities Exchange Board of India and All India Council for Technical Education. He was also the President of the Rotary Club of Madras the second oldest club in India.

Qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1969 and became the Partner of the firm in 1970. He is specializing particularly in taxation matters and has wide experience in Taxation and Foreign Exchange Regulations. He regularly appears before various Appellate Authorities - Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Settlement Commission and the FERA Appellate Board. He was a member of the Expert Advisory Committee of the ICAI and also the Past President of the Rotary Club of Madras Central. He is the Managing Trustee of Margaret Sydney Hospital, Chennai a Charitable Organization. He is also a Systems Auditor and specializes in cross border transactions and International Taxation. He is also Member of Peer Review Board of the ICAI and conduct review of other accounting firms.

Qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1969 and became a Partner of the firm in 1975. He is in-charge of the Audit Department and Consultancy Department of the Firm. He has wide experience in the audit of Public Limited and Private Limited Companies , Audit of Banks, Insurance Companies, Public Sector Undertakings. He also advises on various Company Law matters such as Amalgamation and Mergers, Reconstruction, Takeovers, due diligence audit etc., He was a Member of the Accounting Standard Board of the ICAI and also the Past President of Rotary Club of Madras Central. He is also completed Course on Computer Aided Audit Technique(CAAT) and a Member of Peer Review Board of the ICAI and conduct review of other accounting firms.
He is a specialist in Statutory Central Audit (SCA)of Nationalized Banks. He has audited the accounts of the Reserve Bank of India, State Bank of India, Syndicate Bank, State Bank of Hyderabad, Indian Overseas Bank, Andhra Bank, Karur Vysya Bank Ltd, Punjab National Bank and various other banks across India. He has a rich exposure of 40 years in audit of banks, insurance and public sector undertakings.

Qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1966, and became a Partner of the firm in 1969. He is in-charge of the Salem branch of the firm and handles Taxation and Audits. He is the President of Indian Society for Cultural Cooperation and Friendship for the last three years. He was the Chairman of Salem SIRC of ICAI during 2001-2003, Senate member of Periyar University during 1998-2001 and President of Rotary Club of North during 1979. He is also the Chairman and Correspondent of Rajaji Institute of Technology (Poly Technic ) for the past 21 years.

Became a Member of the Institute in 1995 and Partner of the firm in 1996. She handles Taxation and Tax Audits of Companies, Firms, Charitable Trusts, Institutions and Individuals and statutory audit of banks. She also appears before the various Tax Authorities including the Appellate Tribunal. She specializes in cross border transactions and also the treasurer of Rotary Club of Chennai Presidency and a Member of Peer Review Board of the ICAI and conduct review of other accounting firms. She represents the various client upto Tribunal level.

Became a Member of the ICAI in 1998 and a Partner of the firm in 2000. He handles Audits and Taxation of our Erode branch and statutory audit of banks, insurance company etc., He is also a Systems Auditor.

Became a member of the ICAI in 1985 and a partner of this firm from 2006, Earlier, he has established the firm in the name of M/s. Sundar & Chandar in the year 1987 and he was a senior partner there. The said firm was merged with the parent firm-NCR. and in charge of corporate audit, banks and insurance companies and other advisory services. He also handles FEMA matters , mergers and acquisitions of corporates, facilitates project development and consultancy and financial advisory matters. He is also completed Course on Computer Aided Audit Technique(CAAT) . He is a member of the Peer Review Sub Committee and Financial Reporting Review Board(FRRB) of ICAI. A well known social worker and recipient of President of India Award in the Scouts moments.

Became a Member of the ICAI in 1985 and partner of this firm from 2006. Earlier, he has established the firm in the name of M/s. Sundar & Chandar in the year 1987 and he was a senior partner there. The said firm was merged with the parent firm-NCR. He is the in charge of corporate taxation specializing in cross border transactions. He represents the various client upto Tribunal level. He is also a qualified systems auditor.

Mr. ARJUN S, B.Com, FCA:
Became a Member of the ICAI in 2012 and Partner of this firm from September 2015. He handles Corporate Audits, Special Audits, FEMA Matters, Internal Audits and Consultancy. He also specializes in Statutory Audit of Listed Entities, Banks and Public Sector Undertakings. He is also a Registered Valuer for Securities and Financial Assets with the IBBI. He has spearheaded the Investigation for a leading NBFC on behalf of the Reserve Bank and has assisted with various agencies like the SFIO, CBI and the Enforcement Directorate on this case. He has also conducted Forensic Audit and Valuation assignments appointed by the Hon’ble Madras High Court.

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